New Post Over At Valtech Labs
2012-01-11 "I published a new blog post today over at Valtech Labs in Swedish about the difference between the swedish words “agile” and “nimble” (lättrörlig). In short, while they once meant the same thing, agile has lost a lot of its meaning. Instead of trying to change things back, we should let agile mean whatever people think it means, and use a more descriptive word, like nimble, to describe the process we once called agile. Which of course means XP :).
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Simple beats complicated
2009-04-05 "Peter Krantz sent this clip from a Capoeira fight (rating: violent) which I see as a really good analogy for XP’s YAGNI and the simplest thing that could possibly work.
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Playing to win, culture style
2009-01-12 "This Saturdays edition of Dagens Industri had a really interesting column by Jan Åman, former curator of Färgfabriken. He writes about how you can either move forward or secure your back, and how the world is run by people watching their backs and making sure that decisions can never be questioned.
It is very close my favorite XP slogan “playing to win” and what I talk about in my presentation on Agile Documentation. A good read, but unfortunately only in the paper edition.
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Early Extreme Programming: The Original Mac Team
2006-08-15 "From Revolution in The Valley:
Instead of arguing about new software ideas, we actually tried them out by writing quick prototypes, keeping the ideas that worked best and discarding the others. We always had something running that represented our best thinking at the time.
XP 1.0 is better than XP 2.0
2006-08-11 "Alan Francis: Jobs, etc.: “[…] being an old-school XP-er who thinks Kent got right the first time and only dug a deeper hole trying to re-explain himself. "
Well put. XP 1.0 is mostly brilliant, whereas the additional value of 2.0 could could have been published in a short addendum.
Kent Beck is probably the hero of the geeky part of my life and I am sorry to say that I find the quality of his work receding. Whatever he wrote or spoke about before, it was always empirically based and with a very appealing rebel touch. It seems to me that he is becoming more and more theoretical. For example, I found his keynote at XP2006 about “responsible developing” very abstract.
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2006-06-19 "I am currently in Oulo, Finland, attending XP2006. I have so far attended really excellent tutorials by the Poppendiecks and Mike Cohn. I am writing this waiting for a session on DSL to start.
This is by far the most social events I have been to, which probably is helped by there only being 200+ people here.
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Dan North: How simple is too simple?
2006-05-29 "Dan North: How simple is too simple?: “Kent Beck advises us to do ‘the simplest thing that could possibly work’, but this is often mistaken for ‘the first thing I could possibly think of’ or even ‘the only thing I know’”
Well put.
(Via Planet TW.)
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Time estimates
2003-02-27 "Joe is asking for ideas regarding time estimates.
First of all, read Planning Extreme Programming by Martin Fowler and Kent Beck. Even if you don’t want to do XP it provides excellent ideas for planning.
The book promotes “the gummi bears principle” meaning that estimates should not translate to calendar time. Instead stories should be measured relatively to each other. So if story A is a 2 and story B is slightly harder, then it is a 3. This requires an upstart period where you “calibrate” your measures. But after a while you get quite good at it.
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XP, One Last Thing
2003-01-30 "I realized that after defending PP vigourously, it would be a good idea to second what Jon wrote about XP and the synergies of the practices. Which of course, Kent Beck stated already in the white book. (The XP’ers know what I’m talking about. To the rest, it’s the first of the commie XP books.). PP is a part of a bigger, grander scheme, and seeing is believing. (Now, this might be mistaken for some Scientology offspring. One of the main differences is that you are allowed to read the books. :-)
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I never imagined I'd defend Kent Beck.
2003-01-29 "Long time, no blog. Too much holiday and managemental duties to keep me away from the development trenches. But I keep up with what others are writing and it has mostly been discussions about code standards and how stupid people think George W. Bush is. Oh, and that really weird C# vs Java thingy.
But hey presto! Things are living up again! And let’s start of with that good girl Chiara who I enjoy immensely but not necessarily agree with.