2007-08-23 "Trying out the VimPress plugin, posting directly from Vim. Seems really sweet.
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2007-06-16 "I finally got around to installing the Markdown plugin for Wordpress, which I really should have done earlier.
Markdown is my favorite text format, clean and readable. Read up on the Markdown syntax to understand why.
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Upgraded and imported
2006-06-02 "After upgrading to the latest WordPress release, I realized that I could import my early blog posts from the FreeRoller days using RSS. It was a lot of fun to read some of the old ones again and remember what was discussed four years ago. Prevayler anyone?
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WordPress 1.5
2005-02-18 "I’ve upgraded to WordPress 1.5 and the upgrade was really a breeze. The problem with the new default theme is that it is probably too good looking - people won’t change it and my blog will look like everybody elses. Dammit.
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Back On Track
2005-02-10 "Whew! I just spent 2,5 hours converting my old B2Evolution blog to WordPress. I have been planning to do this for ages, but I just never got around to it. The idea was to switch hosting providers at the same time but I had a hard time finding something I liked. Then one of the pragmatic guys mentioned TextDrive and that was love at first sight.
Converting was not that straightforward until I found this. Thanks a lot.