Spring Is In the Air
2007-03-13 "Spring surprised us early this year, so we are currently blessed with a mild 10ºC. As everyone who has ever experienced it knows, the early days of spring after the long dark winter are just wonderful
The photo is taken with my SE K610i, and stitched together with DoubleTake, which deserves a mentioning. I noticed today that I had lost my license for it, so I sent an email to EchoOne explaining the situation. I got a reply with my license within 4 hours. Great stuff.
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2002-12-05 "Detta är definitivt den tid på året då man undrar varför man inte flyttar söderut. Mulet, fuktigt och kallt.
En pensionsrådgivare sade en gång att om man bor mer 50% av året i tex Frankrike så får man ut sin pensionsförsäkring oskattad. Just idag känns det som extra bra argument att tillbringa de senare oktober-mars i ens liv någon annanstans.