"I just noticed that the mapping between PostgreSQL’s Time Without TimeZone column type maps to Rubys standard Time class. Which gives the following behavior in script/console:
:::ruby >> t = TimeEntry.find(1) >> t.time => Sat Jan 01 23:00:00 +0100 2000 >> t.time = Time.now => Wed May 09 19:02:07 +0200 2007 >> t.save => true >> t = TimeEntry.find(1) >> t.time => Sat Jan 01 19:02:07 +0100 2000 Am I very anal to find this … sloppy?"
"Reading this a little bit earlier would have saved me a lot of time. In short: callbacks such as :before_add does not work with has_many :through, and the documentation does not tell you that. To get callbacks, add them to the join model."
"The current incarnation of autotest seems to assume that you are using integrated views. If not, you can modify the rspec_rails_autotest.rb file to run the view specs as well:
:::ruby # when %r%^app/views/layouts/(.*)\.rhtml% then # ["spec/views/layouts/#{$1}_spec.rb"] when %r%^app/views/(.*)\.rhtml$% then ["spec/views/#{$1}_view_spec.rb"] Your view spec must be postfixed with “_view_spec.rb” for it to work
Update This works out of the box now."
"I am getting all parts of my Rails development environment settled. In addition to vanilla Rails, I am currently using RSpec, Selenium and Autotest. I am seriously considering Haml and Sass as well.
When googling arounf to learn more about Autotest, I realized that people are using together with Growl. It works out-of-the-box with Test::Unit, but RSpec needs a little tweaking. I took the basics from here and modified to my liking."
"I will be speaking on the Rails Recipes Meetup here in Stockholm tomorrow. My topic will be on recipe 28 in Chads excellent book, how you can use with_scope to DRY your code.
Whilst I have looked quite deeply into the subject - it is quite small actually - there is one thing I have yet to find out. Chad mentions that you can use wrap your actions with scoping using a before_filter."
"I feel I just have to try Ruby on Rails, I mean everybody else is doing it and I don’t want to feel left out.
So I started setting it up on my X40 which runs Ubuntu. There is still no deb available for it, you have to use the Ruby Gems system to set it up. I dont know if this is good or bad - it seems like a Ruby CPAN and my feelings towards Perls CPAN are mixed."