Building AMI's Incrementally With Packer and Make
2015-05-07 "At Qwaya we run our servers in AWS. We build our own base AMI’s in order to ensure a stable base infrastructure and to be able to quickly launch new servers when needed.
We have a few AMI’s arranged as described in the image below:
- The base image holds all the packages we want installed on all hosts, it sets up docker, logspout logging to Papertrail and [Datadog][datadog] monitoring.
- The Web and Worker images holds different systemd files for different parts of our application.
- We use Buildkite for building and deploying, which uses a bring-your-own technique for build servers. We have two kinds, one for building and one for deploying.
While we really should have our configs in something like Consul, we’re not there at the moment. In order to limit the number of AMI rebuilds, we try to place configs in cloud-init to limit rebuilds.