Joining ThoughtWorks, Starting Office in Stockholm
2008-05-16 "I am thrilled and honored to say that I will be joining ThoughtWorks starting June. Stockholm is the next pin on the ThoughtWorks world map and my job will be heading the operations locally.
The Stockholm office will initially be manned by me and homeward bound Ola, but we plan to find and attract some of the great talent available here.
It is really exciting to become a part of the excellent organization that is ThoughtWorks. I have already had the chance to meet quite a few of my future colleagues who all have shown that ThoughtWorks is made up of great people. Thanks for making me feel welcome.
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Jon Leaves ThoughtWorks For Google
2008-01-28 "Jon is leaving ThoughtWorks to join Google
Jon is one of the most brilliant people I have been fortunate enough to work with. Congratulations to Google to have hired him.
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New Job in Startup Land
2007-02-27 "I almost forgot to mention it, but I have a new job. Again some might say.
After being a consultant for 1.5 years with Valtech Sweden, I am back in startup land. This time it is really, really startup. We registered our domain last friday, we do not have a web site yet, we are all sitting in one room on broken chairs. Ok, one broken chair. Mine is actually the good one.
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My New Job At Valtech
2005-07-29 "I am really excited about my new position as a consultant at Valtech. After selling software products for five years, I am ready to go back into consulting.
Valtech Stockholm is very strong Java shop and really into agile methodologies. This was the cause of my intitial interest with them. The thing that finally got me though was the interview process which really impressed me. I certainly was not sure that I would get through it myself, and I figured that if everybody working there had passed it, they must be a really exceptional group of people. That impression has intially been confirmed by spending a day and evening with them at a conference.
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Leaving Lecando
2005-07-28 "I’ve spent five good years at Lecando. When I started out, we had ~25 employees. After a year we cut down to 14. After another cut half a year later, we held on to a pretty steady 10 until this spring showed to be terrible if you where in the business of selling addons to IBM Workplace.
Lecando will be employing 3.5 people this fall, none of them being me. I have been thinking about getting a new job for about a year now, so I am really looking forward to the fall and my new employment. More on that later.