What He Said
2008-04-08 "I have used Mercurial for over a year, and started using Git on Agila Sverige. I really like Git and I have therefore kept a draft blog post trying to capture why I like better than Mercurial.
That draft was just deleted since I essentially share Dustin Sallings thoughts on the differences between Mercurial and Git. Apart from the Gnu Arch and Darcs parts - what he said.
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git Is Winning The DVCS Battle With git-svn
2008-02-09 "I’ve been using distributed version control for over a year now, and if it is up to me, I will never use a centralized VCS again.
When I evaluated the alternatives last year, I choose Mercurial as the DVCS we are using at WeMind. The reasons were:
- Usability - git was quite obscure back then
- Speed - bazaar and monotone was quite slow
- Large enough uptake - OpenSolaris and Mozilla started using Mercurial at the same time.
- Runs on all platforms, if we ever employed someone who wants to use Windows
- Built in Python which could be a good think if I ever wanted to extend it
A year later we are happy with Mercurial, but the landscape has changed. In particular I am seeing a huge growth of people using git, especially within the Ruby community. Which in itself is something I am happy about.
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Mercurial and 3G - hg pull in the middle of nowhere
2007-07-25 "I am currently on my way home from northern Dalecarlia, and I am making full use of the 3G card. I had received a couple of update mails from our central Mercurial repo, so I tried to do an ‘hg pull’, and expected it to take a while. Lo and behold, I got all changesets within 15 seconds! This says a lot about Mercurials protocol, as the reception was so-so; no surprise as we are driving here:
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Another Mercurial Convert
2007-04-17 "Paul Duncan is another Mercurial convert, and explains his choice of VCS very well
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Mercurial Is My New Favorite VCS
2007-02-23 "I am starting a new development project where I will do a lot of coding myself, at least initially. There will most probably be times when I have to work offline - perhaps a litte evening coding while at vacation with my family, definitely the days when I am home because the kids cannot be at kindergarten.
So I had this initial thought - can I make a offline copy of the Subversion repository, make changes to it and merge it back when I come online again?