How To Automigrate the Test Database Using Merb, Datamapper and RSpec
2008-02-16 "I am creating a small site using Merb, DataMapper and RSpec, all in all a very enjoyable experience. I did however have problem getting the test database to be automigrated when running the specs, as I am used to in Rails.
As Google did not help, I turned to #merb on IRC, and got immediate help.
Two alternatives:
- Run
rake MERB_ENV=test dm:db:automigrate
before running rake specs - Insert
into yourspec/spec_helper.rb
Big thanks to topfunky, afrench and jdempsey for the help.
" - Run
Merb, Leaner And Meaner Than Rails
2007-12-08 "I have used Rails on a daily basis for almost a year now, and before that I was a night time hangaround. While I am definitely a happier programmer using Rails than anything built on Java, I still feel that it can get better.
First of all I want more things to be plugins. And really, they should not be plugins at all but gems instead.
Why plugins? We use RSpec instead of Test/Unit, HAML instead of erb and are seriously looking into JQuery instead of Prototype. And of course, we are using Mercurial instead of Subversion. All of this is of course possible to use in Rails, but a lot of things are sort of made for the default choice, such as generators generating tests, and plugins having the -x switch for Subversion. And I am pretty sure that this is the way DHH wants it.