"Some time ago I got a new IBM X40. It is now running Ubuntu Hoary and I must say that it is really an excellent piece of hardware. Everything but the SD card reader works out of the box, which of course also goes to show what a great distro Ubuntu is. Get’em both."
"I feel I just have to try Ruby on Rails, I mean everybody else is doing it and I don’t want to feel left out.
So I started setting it up on my X40 which runs Ubuntu. There is still no deb available for it, you have to use the Ruby Gems system to set it up. I dont know if this is good or bad - it seems like a Ruby CPAN and my feelings towards Perls CPAN are mixed."
"Testing to blog from BloGTK. I’m not sure that I really see the point of this. It maybe good for off line use, but then I’d probably use JEdit and save it as a .txt file anyway. Oh well."
"My old 3Com Prism54 card for some reason did not work anymore on Linux. I finally gave in a bought a new MadWifi one which worked out of the box. Sweet!"
"After a lot of work my shiny new IBM R40e is up and running with almost working ACPI, internal network adapter and a 3Com 54g wireless PCMCIA card, all on Gentoo Linux.
Get an old PCMCIA card for the installation as the internal network adapter is not supported by the Live-CD I choose the Gentoo Stable kernel which is working great Do not enable PCMCIA in the kernel, emerge the pcmcia-cs package instead for continued setting up of the system."
"I looked at the logs for freeroller and realized that 75% of client OS’s accessing it was Windows. This is of course a lower percentage than would be expected from a more generic set of computer users (I assume we’re all geeks here, right :-), but still, 75%.
I most certainly don’t want to start another Windozesuckslinuxisugly debate, but I was thinking that most sites accessed on freeroller have a strong connection to Java, and often business system Java - as opposed to embedded etc."
"Har precis fått in RH8 hemma, och det ser helt enligt ryktena riktigt bra ut. De antialiasade fonterna blir riktigt bra, synd bara att de inte funkar i alla program. Däremot blir det lite antigeek varning på att det inte finns en konsol-knapp default i menyraden.
Inte heller denna version är en Windows-killer, men om de får fortsätta lite så kan det nog bli något riktigt bra. Personligen blir jag glad den dag jag slipper Windows helt och hållet."