A Few Tips For Giving A Lecture On Lean
2008-06-16 "So, you are about to give a lecture on lean software development? Here are a few tips:
- Do not say that the agile movement came out of the dot-com era. Mentioning the Smalltalk community at least once is a plus.
- If you name the language that first introduced the notion of object orientation, Simula 67 is a good choice.
- Do not say that Winston Royce advocated Waterfall. He didn’t
- Do not claim that all US Government work in the 60’s and 70’s was done in a waterfall fashion. Nasa ran iterative projects in the 1960’s.
- Understand that most Toyota practices that has been adapted by the software development community are taken from Toyota Product Development System, not Toyota Production System.
- If you still intend to do 1-5, do not start the presentation by saying that you are going to correct some misunderstandings about agile.
Good luck.