Groovy and Ruby
2008-01-17 "I cannot help myself from making a small comment on Rick Hightowers post on Groovy vs JRuby. In short he thinks Sun should support Groovy instead og JRuby, because the syntax is familiar to Java programmers.
To support his case he presents a chart showing language popularity according to job postings. And since Ruby is at the bottom and Java is on the top, Sun should support Groovy. Which by the way is not even on the chart.
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Delphi and JBuilder as role models for Rails development?
2007-09-20 "Chatting over a beer with Ola Bini last year, we discussed the possibilities for JRuby. My dream was to run a Ruby IDE on top of JRuby to get a Smalltalk like environment, because Smalltalk is still the best programming environment I have ever used.
Now that 3rdRail, running on JRuby, is released, should I get my hopes up? Some people are actually very excited about it, but when Delphi and JBuilder are referred to as some sort of pinnacle of development it seriously makes me wonder.
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Javaforum in Stockholm Wrap Up
2006-11-22 "I spent yesterday evening at Javaforum. Ola Bini held a great presentation of JRuby that really showed what can be accomplished today and what we can expect in the future.
Ola is not only an über hacker, he is a great guy too. When asked what work is done with Ruby in Sweden today, he was kind enough to mention the work we’ve done at Valtech with Rails, which of course got him a well deserved beer later.