How I Create Test Objects in Java
2024-01-16 "The Problem
When I write tests in Java, I find it tedious to manually create objects and setting attributes. Code easily turns out like this:
var foo = new Foo("Satellite", 1000, true); var bar = new Bar("Edward", "Scissorhands", List.of(foo)); // do stuff assertEquals(foo, bar.findByName("Satellite"));
Here we're first creating a
, which is then added to aBar
. We then test that we can find theFoo
when we ask theBar
to search for it.The Good Pragmatic Developers
2008-05-13 "Java in 2008: “These are people who aren’t religious and aren’t close-minded and just want to Get Shit Done. Oh, and they’ve already got a lot of it done and they aren’t interested in discarding that investment.”
(Via ongoing)
"Java vs the JVM
2008-02-01 "Tim Bray on the JVM being the good part of Java:
“But the Java language just doesn’t seem like the interesting thing about Java, these days.”
I wish more Java programmers would agree to this. One of my observations at JFokus the other day was that a lot of people really like Java the language, and are going through hoops to implement their ideas in it.
Stephan Janssen has created a kick ass new version of parleys.com in Flex/Air, but he wants to redo it all in JavaFX script, just so that it is Java. Rickard Öbergs new framework for composite oriented programming could be useful, but in my opinion it introduces enough new concepts to qualify for a whole new language. Lipsticking on top of Java makes it feel verbose and clumsy. After a year of Ruby I have very little patience for Java interfaces.
"Groovy and Ruby
2008-01-17 "I cannot help myself from making a small comment on Rick Hightowers post on Groovy vs JRuby. In short he thinks Sun should support Groovy instead og JRuby, because the syntax is familiar to Java programmers.
To support his case he presents a chart showing language popularity according to job postings. And since Ruby is at the bottom and Java is on the top, Sun should support Groovy. Which by the way is not even on the chart.
"Ola Bini: JtestR 0.1 released
2007-12-30 "Ola has released JtestR 0.1. It seems to b a great tool for those doing Java development. I can personally not imagine doing any development these days without RSpec.
"Java is the new C
2006-10-22 "This could actually turn out to be quite important down the road:
Writing Solaris Device Drivers in Java: “‘We present an experimental implementation of the Java Virtual Machine that runs inside the kernel of the Solaris operating system. The implementation was done by porting an existing small, portable JVM, Squawk, into the Solaris kernel. Our first application of this system is to allow device drivers to be written in Java. A simple device driver was ported from C to Java. Characteristics of the Java device driver and our device driver interface are described.’”
"Axis - how bleeding edge can you get?
2006-09-11 "I was trying to get my head around Axis and read this:
Apache Axis2 is built on Apache Axiom, a new high performant, pull-based XML object model that was released two days ago.
It is time to stop listening to James Gosling
2006-03-11 "It seems that Sun is using James Gosling to spread FUD regarding any technology that competes with Java. He created Java, and he is a techie and techies have high standards and are always honest - right?
He came out slinging against Harmony a year ago, and now he is at it again with Ruby and PHP:
PHP and Ruby are perfectly fine systems, but they are scripting languages and get their power through specialization: they just generate web pages. But none of them attempt any serious breadth in the application domain and they both have really serious scaling and performance problems.
"Javapolis: Java Puzzles
2005-12-15 Javapolis: Keynote Thursday
2005-12-15 "Apart from the RAD race price thingy, Graham Hamilton of Sun presented Mustang and Dolphin, the upcoming Java releases. What cought my interest the most is that Mustang will include Rhino, and Dolphin will provide a completely new byte code format for dynamic languages. Could it be that this is also related to BEA’s future support of “languages that might take off”?