Gnome Panel Applet for Luntbuild
2005-06-09 "I’ve created a Gnome Panel Applet to monitor Luntbuild builds. This is basically a spike to try out the Ruby-GTK2 library and the Luntbuild API but it works so I might as well release it.
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Gnome 2.8
2004-11-23 "I have been using Gnome 2.8 for a couple of weeks now, and I must say that it is getting really good. Gnome was the first window manager I used when I started using Linux, but I soon became hooked on more lightweight alternatives such as Fluxbox and XFce4, as I did not think that Gnome offered that much to compensate for its relative slowness.
But since I got my laptop, I have grown tired of having to do everything manually whenever the environment changes. And with the advent of Ubuntu it is really a snap.