Javapolis. EJB3 Persistence
2005-12-16 "Linda DeMichiel together with Mike Keith again walking us through the new EJB3 API. I must say that I like the idea of the one, true, unified O/R mapping framework. Also providing a decent set of default values id really smart - the table mapping is reminiscent of Rails. I wonder what all the app server vendors think of the fact that it can be run outside of EJB? This is another reason that you most probably can get by with Spring in most cases which really must upset the app server vendors and especially JBoss.
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Javapolis: EJB3
2005-12-15 "EJB intro with Linda de Michiel. I remember listening to Linda presenting EJB2 at JavaOne 2000 saying that now they had fixed everything that was wrong with EJB1. I must say that is quite a deja-vu listening to her talking about how EJB3 fixes everything that was wrong with EJB2.