2006-06-19 "I am currently in Oulo, Finland, attending XP2006. I have so far attended really excellent tutorials by the Poppendiecks and Mike Cohn. I am writing this waiting for a session on DSL to start.
This is by far the most social events I have been to, which probably is helped by there only being 200+ people here.
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Javapolis: Mule
2005-12-16 "Mule is a very different beast to me. It seems to be a swallow anything messaging bus where you can message anything anywhere using any protocol anytime. It seems really cool - I just wish I knew what to use if for. This is not at all to say that it has no use, it is just me that has not worked with anything similar before.
BTW: Demos involving messaging are almost always cool.
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Javapolis: Running out of time
2005-12-16 "I have 16 minutes left of my prepaid wireless connection, and I don’t feel like paying more for it. I have covered a few sessions for which the amount of text is too much for the network to handle, so I’ll post it when I get home. I’m right now listening to Scott W Ambler who is really an excellent speaker. More on him later.
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Javapolis. EJB3 Persistence
2005-12-16 "Linda DeMichiel together with Mike Keith again walking us through the new EJB3 API. I must say that I like the idea of the one, true, unified O/R mapping framework. Also providing a decent set of default values id really smart - the table mapping is reminiscent of Rails. I wonder what all the app server vendors think of the fact that it can be run outside of EJB? This is another reason that you most probably can get by with Spring in most cases which really must upset the app server vendors and especially JBoss.
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Javapolis Wednesday
2005-12-15 "Javapolis is held in a combined conference center / movie theater complex. This makes for very comfortable chairs, really good audio and no daytime sunlight what so ever. So far the talks I’ve been to have been really good.
It seems that my problem with wifi jas something to do with size - I can send short emails, but not long. Also, it seems that I have to keep my posts short to get them to my server. This for €20/24 hrs :(
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Javapolis: Bitter Java Server Faces
2005-12-15 "This was another packed session, even though according to raised hands less than 10% of the audience actually uses JSF. Maybe people where there gathering arguments to not use it? The talk was very detailed and I can’t help think that JSF seems to be incredibly complex. One advice to get JSF right was to “avoid HTTP thinking”. That is the exact reason why I don’t like component based web frameworks.
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Javapolis: EJB3
2005-12-15 "EJB intro with Linda de Michiel. I remember listening to Linda presenting EJB2 at JavaOne 2000 saying that now they had fixed everything that was wrong with EJB1. I must say that is quite a deja-vu listening to her talking about how EJB3 fixes everything that was wrong with EJB2.
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Javapolis: Java Puzzles
2005-12-15 -
Javapolis: Keynote Thursday
2005-12-15 "Apart from the RAD race price thingy, Graham Hamilton of Sun presented Mustang and Dolphin, the upcoming Java releases. What cought my interest the most is that Mustang will include Rhino, and Dolphin will provide a completely new byte code format for dynamic languages. Could it be that this is also related to BEA’s future support of “languages that might take off”?
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Javapolis: Spring Caching
2005-12-15 "I’m a little disappointed with this one as I didn’t learn that much from it. As I managed to get one of the coveted seats next to a power outlet i am still here though :).