Sinor 0.3.0 Released
2015-04-13 "I just released 0.3.0 of my static blogging tool Sinor.
Major new features in this release:
- Tags support
- Markdown can be used in archive pages
- Improved command line API
It can be installed either by
"pip install sinor
or by downloading it directly from Github. -
On Blogging
2015-04-02 "I started blogging back in 2002. At that time I was working at Lecando, where I was lucky enough to be doing Java development and experimenting with XP together with some ridiculously bright people like Jimmy, Johan, Jon, Håkan and Visar.
Back then, Java was where it was happening. All the new things happened in Javaland, and we did our best to try out the new things; TDD with JUnit, CI with CruiseControl.
I spent a lot of time then reading blogs. Most of the blogs I was interested in were hosted at FreeRoller, a platform run by Anthony Eden, today perhaps more famous for DNSimple.
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Wrote my own static blog thingy
2013-11-22 "I have slowly realized that Jekyll isn’t for me. After evaluting a few alternatives like Pelican I decided to write my own, and I have to say that I’m happy with the result.
Not that what I have written is better than Jekyll in any measurable way, but it just that it suits my needs. For example: I use Mustache templates which I strongly prefer over Liquid, and as the Python Markdown library supports metadata and Pygments code formatting out of the box, I find that the original post format is clearer.
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2008-08-28 "No more tweet summaries here. Thanks Ben.
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2007-08-23 "Trying out the VimPress plugin, posting directly from Vim. Seems really sweet.
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2007-06-16 "I finally got around to installing the Markdown plugin for Wordpress, which I really should have done earlier.
Markdown is my favorite text format, clean and readable. Read up on the Markdown syntax to understand why.
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English version of my article on REST vs SOAP
2006-05-18 "As I’ve received a few requests for it, I’ve been given permission by my employer Valtech to republish an english version of my article on REST vs. SOAP here at my blog.
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Testing mo:Blog
2005-02-19 "I’m in the subway on my way to my moms boyfriends daughters birthday party, using the time to test blogging from my Palm. Seems to work quite decently actually.
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Back On Track
2005-02-10 "Whew! I just spent 2,5 hours converting my old B2Evolution blog to WordPress. I have been planning to do this for ages, but I just never got around to it. The idea was to switch hosting providers at the same time but I had a hard time finding something I liked. Then one of the pragmatic guys mentioned TextDrive and that was love at first sight.
Converting was not that straightforward until I found this. Thanks a lot.
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Testing BloGTK
2005-02-09 "Testing to blog from BloGTK. I’m not sure that I really see the point of this. It maybe good for off line use, but then I’d probably use JEdit and save it as a .txt file anyway. Oh well.