Really good books
2005-12-01 "While at Lecando, I was quite proud of the library of computer books we assembled oveer the years.
These days as a consultant for Valtech, my employer does indeed have a library, but as I am almost never at the office it is not really accessible.
I have therefore started to buy the books that I find necessary for my daily digital life out of my own pocket so that I can have access to them whenever I want. These are the ones I have got so far:
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Agile GUI Development
2005-11-06 "These days when almost every body is doing the agile thing, there is still one part of the software development process that is missing out - the design of the GUI.
Too often some snazzy web design studio is brought in, thumb rings and all, to produce mockups in Photoshop. These are then given to the programmers to implement to the last pixel.
I am sorry, but this is the waterfall process straight up. And it does not help that you implement it page by page or even component by component - that is just dividing the predefined work into smaller bits.
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Why Scrum is not enough
2005-10-16 "These days when I talk to people who claim to have adopted agile development, they say they use Scrum. While standup meetings and iterative development with regular demos are good, it is simply not enough. Chris Brown posted the strip below which sums it up pretty good:
(Via Planet TW.)
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Lavalamps in action
2005-03-30 "Lavalamps in action Originally uploaded by mahnve.
We’ve finally got our act together and got ourselves a pair of lavalamps. They are controlled by CruiseControl and green equals all tests passed.
When reading about other people doing this, they say that these things need to be turned off every ten hours or so. The only warning notice on ours, bought at Clas Ohlson, says to not drink the fluid - duh.
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Stockholm Syndrome and blameability
2003-08-29 "Sometimes I get the feeling that a lot of people in programming suffer from some sort of developers Stockholm Syndrome. I mean, everybody whines about clueless management, we’re not allowed to do this and that, yadda-yadda whine-whine.
But then when presented with a option like Agile methodologies and XP which actually provides the power to decide about the things that should matter them as techies (because that is what XP is all about, you have the right to produce quality code given clear guidance under your own estimates and you go home by five etc), what happens? More whining.