"I will give my talk on “Design for Replaceability - Architecture For An Agile Lifestyle” at DevLin2012 Thursday next week. I was quite happy how the talk was received at JFokus, and will incorporate some of the great feedback I got. This time I will only have 25 minutes though, so I will either speak very fast or cut out some slides.
I had a great time at DevLin last year and l reallly look forward to this years conference."
"Following along the Deploying Rails book, I stumbled immediately when vagrant up hung showing;
Waiting for VM to boot. This can take a few minutes. even though the server in fact had booted ok.
I found a solution in the mailing list from a Stefano Pallica:
Boot in GUI mode:
:::ruby config.vm.boot_mode = :gui Login to the server when booted.
Edit /etc/rc.local and add the following before exit 0:
:::bash /etc/init."
"In order to use netcfg for USB tethering, just configure it as a regular ethernet connection. The following worked for me, remember to modprobe usbnet.
:::bash CONNECTION='ethernet' DESCRIPTION='A basic dhcp ethernet connection using iproute' INTERFACE='usb0' IP='dhcp' "
"I got a new Samsung Galaxy Note today and after some trial and error I managed to root it.
I basicallly followed the instructions here with a few additions. I changed the binary in the runmelinux.sh to my system Android SDK adb, I added a udev rule for the phone:
:::bash SUBSYSTEM=="usb",SYSFS{idVendor}=="04e8",OWNER="mahnve",MODE="0666" and finally I needed to run sudo adb devices once before running runmelinux.sh
Migrating from my old phone using Titanium Backup now."
"I published a new blog post today over at Valtech Labs in Swedish about the difference between the swedish words “agile” and “nimble” (lättrörlig). In short, while they once meant the same thing, agile has lost a lot of its meaning. Instead of trying to change things back, we should let agile mean whatever people think it means, and use a more descriptive word, like nimble, to describe the process we once called agile."
"I just managed to get this site to display properly in a mobile browser with media queries, which means I am now among the cool responsive design kids.
If you, like me, use Skeleton, it turns out that you shouldn’t forget this line in your head
:::css <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1"> "
"I am in Oslo for Smidig 2011, where I gave a talk titled “Layers of complexity”. It centers around medium number systems and Cynefin framework in order to provide a model for software development and explain why we cannot use time based measurements in order to improve the process. It also mentions why time estimates are never correct.
Later today at 18:00 I will give my talk on Taylorism and Mass Production at Oslo XP Meetup."
"I am experimenting with Mongoid and embedded relations. I have a class A that can have three named 1..1 relations to class B, and I found it quite problematic to get the reverse relationship setup. After specifying class_name and inverse_of everything started working as expected.
class B include Mongoid::Document embedded_in :a, class_name: "A" end class A include Mongoid::Document embeds_one :something, class_name: "B", inverse_of: :a embeds_one :completely class_name: "B", inverse_of: :a embeds_one :different, class_name: "B", inverse_of: :a end "
"I’ve switched back and forth a lot to try to find a todo list solution that works for me. Gina Trapani’s todo.txt is the latest one, and while not perfect I do find it useable.
I have two zenity scripts mapped to keyboard shortcuts that allows me to quickly add and check off todo’s:"
"I am in Linköping for Devlin 2011 where I will give a talk named “Git - Version Control You’ve Only Dreamt Of”. It is a one day conference organized by my friends at Responsive
I did the slides for this talk in ShowOff, which allows me to write my presentation in text and version it in Git. Firefox 4 supports SVG well enough for me to use it for all my images."