2003-01-14 Bästa jullåten alla kategorier var i alla fall Tyskarna Från Lunds “Actung Xmas”. Jag föll som en sten första gången jag hörde den på P3. Klockren Kraftwerkpastich. Det enda man undrar är om bandet är “på riktigt” eftersom det verkar vara någon slags avknoppning från Varanteatern. Texterna är ju ganska humor i och för sig.
2002-12-05 Detta är definitivt den tid på året då man undrar varför man inte flyttar söderut. Mulet, fuktigt och kallt.
En pensionsrådgivare sade en gång att om man bor mer 50% av året i tex Frankrike så får man ut sin pensionsförsäkring oskattad. Just idag känns det som extra bra argument att tillbringa de senare oktober-mars i ens liv någon annanstans.
2002-12-02 The Faint är extremt ojämna, men “Amorous in a Bauhaus Fashion” är grymt bra.
The name
2002-12-02 Why “Head On”? Because it’s a really awesome song by never-as-famous-as-they-deserved The Jesus and Mary Chain. And a good attitude when tackling problems.
Apples and oranges
2002-12-01 Bernard replies to my reply:
Me: My thoughts were that it is easier to transform bare data as it is less to transform. You take the old data and insert it into the new code, which is all you need because you don’t want the old implementation anyway.
Bernard: I guess you are somehow comparing apples and oranges. If you want to compare data storage then instead of storing Java objects with data and business logic, just store some objects having data only. Sure, if you store objects with only data you are quite close to the tabular data model. But remember, I only want to be able to “offer” it for OLAP purposes and for upgrades, if then.
2002-12-01 I avdelningen inspirerande låttitlar kom jag idag tillbaka till Ride’s makalösa “Leave them All Behind”. Man kanske skulle sätta ihop en lista på låtar som får en att känna sig lite bättre än alla andra.
My name
2002-11-29 By the way I realized that my name is not mentioned here, and Jon keeps on calling me “boss”. This is corrected now.
2002-11-29 Bernard commented on my thoughts on schema evolution.
I do not see why schema evolution is harder to handle in Prevayler than it is with a relational database. Changing relations is always a problem whatever the storage strategy you use.
Hmm, let’s see. Maybe I was very using traditional thinking. My thoughts were that it is easier to transform bare data as it is less to transform. You take the old data and insert it into the new code, which is all you need because you don’t want the old implementation anyway.
Data, encapsulation etc.
2002-11-28 We’re right now trying out Prevayler as a persistence layer for our products. It is basically the coolest think I’ve seen since I became an OO-afficionado. I did start out with Smalltalk, and it sort of set the tone for what I believe in.
I need to check out if Jon has mentioned this on his blog. Nope, he hasn’t so I’ll be first then.
Here we go: What Prevayler basically does is store your object graph in memory, recording every transaction as a serialized Command. Every 24 hrs a snapshot of the full object graph is written to disk and the log is cleared. Crash recovery is performed by taking the latest snapshot and redo all the commands that is deserialized from the log.
Ray Davies
2002-11-28 Man bör lyssna på Kinks “I’m Not Like Everybody Else” åtminstone en gång i veckan.