Time estimates
2003-02-27 Joe is asking for ideas regarding time estimates.
First of all, read Planning Extreme Programming by Martin Fowler and Kent Beck. Even if you don’t want to do XP it provides excellent ideas for planning.
The book promotes “the gummi bears principle” meaning that estimates should not translate to calendar time. Instead stories should be measured relatively to each other. So if story A is a 2 and story B is slightly harder, then it is a 3. This requires an upstart period where you “calibrate” your measures. But after a while you get quite good at it.
Palm Tungsten
2003-02-08 Jag har haft min Palm Tungsten i typ tre veckor nu. I förrgår kom ljudpatchen som går att man kan använda den som mp3-spelare.
Ovärderlig pryl.
XP, One Last Thing
2003-01-30 I realized that after defending PP vigourously, it would be a good idea to second what Jon wrote about XP and the synergies of the practices. Which of course, Kent Beck stated already in the white book. (The XP’ers know what I’m talking about. To the rest, it’s the first of the commie XP books.). PP is a part of a bigger, grander scheme, and seeing is believing. (Now, this might be mistaken for some Scientology offspring. One of the main differences is that you are allowed to read the books. :-)
I never imagined I'd defend Kent Beck.
2003-01-29 Long time, no blog. Too much holiday and managemental duties to keep me away from the development trenches. But I keep up with what others are writing and it has mostly been discussions about code standards and how stupid people think George W. Bush is. Oh, and that really weird C# vs Java thingy.
But hey presto! Things are living up again! And let’s start of with that good girl Chiara who I enjoy immensely but not necessarily agree with.
Pair Programming
2003-01-29 The pair programming thing turned up on TSS and ended up with the usual “You suck” enlighments with the occasional, surprisingly non-embarassed, opinions on whether or not the Struts API is easy to understand (sic).
If you don’t like to pair program don’t do it. I am not going to tell people what to do.
Unless of course you work where I work. In that case, share the (wireless) keyboard. The reason being code quality, and development speed.
2003-01-29 Tyskarna Från Lunds platta är unik. Den bästa beskrivning jag kan ge är att de är synthmusikens Victor Borge, ni vet den där skojige danske farbrorn som spexade vid pianot.
Musik och humor brukar bli Svenne Rubins. Kul text, kass låt. Grejen med TFL är att de lyckas skapa musik som i sig refererar till annan, gärna tysk, musik. Alphaville-slingor i Scorpions-covern “Still Loving You” är enormt tyskt och enormt kul. Min dassiga tyska gjorde att jag inte kopplade vad “Eis Auto” handlade om genom att läsa titeln. Nu vet jag hur det hade låtit om Ralf och Florian hade fått uppdraget att skriva glassbilslåten.
XP shop.
2003-01-29 Chiara wants to work where Jon works, which is where I work too.
I wanna work where that boy works.
Just so you know, we’re an XP shop :-).
What time did Mr.Tirsen arrive?
Our morning meetings are at ten. I believe he was in by then.
As for the rest, sticking to architectural guidelines etc … too bad. “Do the simplest thing that can possibly work” and “You Ain’t Gonna Need It” are our mottos. Works wonders with architecture too, but it requires them “best and brightest” to come down from their ivory towers and start contributing to the code. I know a few people who feel that coding is below their skill level and dignity, so they won’t. Whatever, they will be the first to go when the revolution comes :-).
Nya skivor
2003-01-26 Det har landat nya skivor i högen. The Klerks, Tyskarna från Lund, Saint Etienne samt Melody Club. Recensioner kommer.
Super Sunday
2003-01-26 Om två timmar brakar det loss. NFL:s bästa anfall (Oakland Raiders) mot NFL:s bästa försvar (Tampa Bay Bucs). Jag hoppas på Oakland.
Long time ...
2003-01-14 Det var ett tag sedan, en hel december har passerat. Julen tillbringades i tur och ordning i Stockholm (Julafton), Uppsala (Juldagen); Grövelsjön (Fram till nyår) och sedan hemma i Beverly Ängby igen.