Functional testing
2003-09-08 We are currently in the process of improving our functional testsuite, some might say getting one. I’ve skimmed the JUnit site and have found two alternatives:
- jWebUnit. It has a really clear and simple syntax which is why I prefer it over HtmlUnit which I prefer over HttpUnit.
- MaxQ. Recorded Jython scripts.
I am not really sure what to make of it. The functional test suite must run separately from the rest of the system, which makes it a good candidate for a scripted language. However, being able to use IDEA is always better than any alternative. I am not sure either if recording is a good or bad thing.
IDEA vs Eclipse
2003-08-31 At Lecando we are long time licensees of IntelliJ IDEA. But since Eclipse is free and open source is good, I have given it a serious try in my spare time. After 2 months I’ve returned to IDEA. Much faster, more intuitive and less weird views of everything (“Do you want to switch to the Java view for your Java project?” Uhhm … yes?). As Jon once said: Eclipse is bloat, IDEA is not.
2003-08-30 Förra onsdagen föddes mitt och Cecilias andra barn. Det blev en kille som skall heta Simon. Allt är toppen.
Moving out
2003-08-29 I’m moving out of here, and into my own home. Thanks a lot freeroller.
New home
2003-08-29 I moved my stuff over from freeroller to here. I used to have a more personal blog here and leave the techie stuff at freeroller, but it got kinda old. This is the tech department and is gonna be in english. If you happen to wander into the other parts, they are in melodic swedish. Translations can be made available upon request.
Snurrar just nu
2003-08-29 Lyssnar mest nu på:
- The Sounds
- Queens of the Stone Age
- Ladytron
- Marilyn Manson
- White Stripes
Stockholm Syndrome and blameability
2003-08-29 Sometimes I get the feeling that a lot of people in programming suffer from some sort of developers Stockholm Syndrome. I mean, everybody whines about clueless management, we’re not allowed to do this and that, yadda-yadda whine-whine.
But then when presented with a option like Agile methodologies and XP which actually provides the power to decide about the things that should matter them as techies (because that is what XP is all about, you have the right to produce quality code given clear guidance under your own estimates and you go home by five etc), what happens? More whining.
2003-05-13 Bäst, bäst, bäst just nu: “United States of Whatever” med Liam Lynch. Måste ses och höras. Jag lyssnar på den på repeat - och den är 1 minut och 26 sekunder lång.
Jag var där
2003-04-23 Jag var där. Jag var där. Jag var där.
Jag lyckades för många pengar komma över en biljett till “A Night With Martin L Gore”. Och det var värt varenda öre. Nalen är ingen optimal lokal, scenen är låg, men jag hade tur och lyckades få en riktigt bra plats. Jag stod i mitten, sju meter från scenen, samtidigt som Martin sjunger Shake the Disease och In Your Room med endast pianoackompangemang. Hur djävla fantastiskt som helst.
Christian Kjellvander
2003-03-27 Inte riktigt vad jag brukar lyssna på men … tokigt bra. Känns lika oundgängligt i varje manlig skivback som Chris Isaac. Manligt vemod som lockar får en att längta till någon odefinierad lägereld med öl och goda vänner. Rekommenderas varmt.