Mmm ... Powerbook.
2005-08-18 Wow. I am back in Mac land, which I left in 1996 when I started my career at IBM and turned into a PC drone. Now, after four days of pure Mac joy, it feels like I am never going back.
This also goes to show what a cool company Valtech is. I mentioned this to Jon who got really jealous. Apparently the Thoughtworkers get company issued Dells and all Mac stuff is paid for by themselves.
My New Job At Valtech
2005-07-29 I am really excited about my new position as a consultant at Valtech. After selling software products for five years, I am ready to go back into consulting.
Valtech Stockholm is very strong Java shop and really into agile methodologies. This was the cause of my intitial interest with them. The thing that finally got me though was the interview process which really impressed me. I certainly was not sure that I would get through it myself, and I figured that if everybody working there had passed it, they must be a really exceptional group of people. That impression has intially been confirmed by spending a day and evening with them at a conference.
Leaving Lecando
2005-07-28 I’ve spent five good years at Lecando. When I started out, we had ~25 employees. After a year we cut down to 14. After another cut half a year later, we held on to a pretty steady 10 until this spring showed to be terrible if you where in the business of selling addons to IBM Workplace.
Lecando will be employing 3.5 people this fall, none of them being me. I have been thinking about getting a new job for about a year now, so I am really looking forward to the fall and my new employment. More on that later.
Screencasts with Wink
2005-06-15 I’ve tried a few tools to do screencasts, my favorite so far is Wink.
Notable features:
- Easy to use
- Manual capturing
- Insertion of text into images
- Multiple export formats
Why does Sun not provide a Java Communications API for Linux
2005-06-14 Why on earth doesn’t Sun provide a Java Communications API for Linux?
Good thing IBM does.
Gnome Panel Applet for Luntbuild
2005-06-09 I’ve created a Gnome Panel Applet to monitor Luntbuild builds. This is basically a spike to try out the Ruby-GTK2 library and the Luntbuild API but it works so I might as well release it.
Widgets monitoring automated builds
2005-06-03 Mike Clark at Pragmatic Automation blogs about a new CruiseControl widget to monitor CruiseControl Builds by using the new Tiger widget thingys.
Funny enough that I’ve spent some time meddling with something similar for Luntbuild and Gnome. But I have to say, that as far as graphics go, I have some catching up to do.
The power of the OpenOffice2 file format
2005-06-02 The Oasis document format is really cool. My wife who is an architect (the original house building version, that is) - had created a presentation in PowerPoint with a lot of images, and the resulting file was 100M+.
I opened that file in OpenOffice2 and saved it as an .odt file. Then I unzipped it, bulk opened all images in the Gimp and changed their resolution. Finally I zipped it all up, an the presentation was now 8M and looking just the same. Ah, the power of openess.
Linking Courage
2005-05-31 I was looking up DWR and noticed that they provided links to similar projects. It occured to me that that is usually a sign of a quality project, having the self esteem / humility to show the way to alternatives.
What is Gosling talking about?
2005-05-18 I most certainly hope that James Gosling was quoted out of context in this article. The way he talks about open-source is comes out very … Balmery, which is disturbing. Why is he talking about open source as a place where “any old person could check in stuff” - that is not the way it is done and he knows it. He should know it. Which is also why enterprise customers are not running away from well-kept open source projects like Linux and Tomcat.